Trial VersionFersiwn prawf
Stage 1Cyfnod 1
Stage 2Cyfnod 2
Stage 3Cyfnod 3
Stage 4Cyfnod 4
Stage 5Cyfnod 5

Test yourself Profwch eich hun

Thanks for playing pass the parcel.

Below are some questions for you to see how much you can remember.

Diolch am chwarae pasio’r parsel.

Dyma rai cwestiynu i brofi beth rydych chi’n ei gofio.

Question 1

When arranging for something to be delivered what are the 3 most important things we think you should think about?

Click on the answer you think is right.

Cwestiwn 1

Wrth wneud trefniadau ar gyfer dosbarthu eitem, beth yw’r tri pheth pwysicaf y dylech chi eu hystyried yn ein barn ni?

Dewiswch ateb a chliciwch arno.

Question 2

What do you think are the 3 most common ways for a parcel to be delivered?.

Click on the answer you think is right.

Cwestiwn 2

Beth yw’r tri dull mwyaf cyffredin o ddosbarthu parsel yn eich barn chi?

Dewiswch ateb a chliciwch arno.

Question 3

If you buy a book online and change your mind after it is delivered and want to return it and get your money back how many days do you have?

Click on the answer you think is right.

Cwestiwn 3

Os ydych chi’n prynu llyfr ar-lein ac yna’n newid eich meddwl ar ôl i’r llyfr gyrraedd a’ch bod am ei ddychwelyd a chael eich arian yn ôl, sawl diwrnod sydd gennych i wneud hynny?

Dewiswch ateb a chliciwch arno.

Question 4

If you buy an item from a shop online who is responsible to make sure it arrives?

Click on the answer you think is right.

Cwestiwn 4

Os ydych chi’n prynu eitem o siop ar-lein, pwy sy’n gyfrifol am sicrhau bod yr eitem yn cyrraedd?

Dewiswch ateb a chliciwch arno.